Are you looking for a musical class for your little one?
I have written previously around the benefits of music for babies and children (read here) which is why I am really excited to share this with you. My friend Rebecca has recently started a passion project – her business Little Bo Beats, providing educational music classes for babies to pre-schoolers in the Blue Mountains and Penrith.
The classes have been created by a qualified educational (music teacher, musician, music education degree, 10+ years teaching experience) so your in good hands!
All classes are themed with each session teaching the beginnings of music theory including concepts such as beat, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, pitch, song structure, melody, harmony and timbre (how different instruments sound).
If you attended Glenbrook’s yearly Australia Day Gnome Festival you may have seen her or attended a free activity session at her stall.
Currently, your first trial class is FREE – so please pop over to check out the Little Bo Beats website.
Music classes for babies and toddlers in the lower Blue Mountains (