Unsure about wearing a mask to attend a class is an understandable concern.
One of the key benefits in Infant Massage is strengthening your connection with your baby and our faces communicate so much! With Yoga, fostering a connection between movement and breath is an essential component and one that could be obstructed if students and teachers are forced to wear masks during the flow.
At the moment, in Australia the NSW Government recommend that masks should not be worn by toddlers under 2 years of age and babies, as they are a choking and suffocation risk. Children 12 years and under are exempt but are encouraged to wear masks where practical. Anyone over 12 should wear a mask. These recommendations will vary over the weeks / months as Public Health Orders are adjusted to community requirements.
Nurture Wellbeing will always await guidance from the Government and Health Officials before determining if masks are required within classes. Until further notice, your teacher, when close to students, will wear a mask within class as per our Covid-19 Policy. If masks are required to be worn by students, classes may be postponed, cancelled or where possible continue as planned. If you are attending an outdoors class, classes will be distanced and held as normal.
In the meantime, we have begun preparing for the potential for classes filled with masked parents and little yogis!
Within Infant Massage classes, your baby won’t mind to be massaged by you with a mask, they still know it’s you by your voice and scent and you can continue massage at home without your mask.
Kids Yoga classes for our younger students may be less energetic than normal as your teacher will be wearing a mask. Classes for older students (everyone wearing a mask) will offer more gentle stretch and relaxation. Yoga is a breath-based practice and I question the implications of wearing a mask during physical exertion and deep breathing. Based on personal testing, the wearing of masks naturally slows down the session as breathing and movement are more intense.
Wearing a face mask is mandatory in some settings. Learn about when you need to wear a face mask, when you can remove it and who is exempt at Face mask rules | NSW Government